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Friday, July 30, 2010

Another Alberta Last Thursday Art walk.

Yesterday was time for another last Thursday art walk. the added bonus this time would be that we were going to be able to expose the seeds to some new stuff. Turns out that new things are difficult for them to digest but we aren't done trying. The heat and the walking are not tops on their to do list but we made it through. This particular Thursday the sun was shining so that meant loads of people in the streets which i don't think they were ready for. Anyhow my dude with the cig boxes was in full effect and there were more performers than usual, more people also meant less wine to be had by Sweet D. That sucked for her. Now that i think about it, we had zero drinks yesterday, that must be a first. So to sum this puppy up, it was a nice day, i picked up a couple of cig boxes for a steal, got the seeds voodoo doughnuts..again, enjoyed the art and weirdos all up and down Alberta.

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