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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Project X

Babyboymaker D was able to get ahold of some free advanced screening tickets for Project X last night. The movie comes out early march. A quick summation of the movie is the typical non cool kids taking the opportunity of a birthday with the parents gone to throw a party to finally become part of the "cool" crowd. Insanity ensues , you see everything leading up to, during and after the party. There is also the underlying plot of girl next door, one of the guys love interest. Think of it as all the other movies with 3 best friends that just want to throw the best party ever, get wasted and touch boobies . This movie was laugh out loud funny and the trailer does it justice.  It wasnt a must see for us but there take on the coming up age, get popular movie was good.  If you like the trailer there is more of that through out the movie and you will totally enjoy.

Bonus: we stopped by taco bell on the way home and as we pull into the drive thru there is a car ordering and some bro waiting behind the car. I slowed down cuz I had no idea what this dude is up to. Babymaking D locks our doors and we slow and to wait the bro out. the car in front of him pulls up and the dude proceeds to try an order from the drive thru on foot. It was only 930 bro just could have walked in and ordered so we assumed he was stupid drunk or just stupid. he was by himself so it wasnt some joke that kids might pull, he was serious and they told him to come inside so he did. Weird. Luckily i had my camera in the back seat. I didnt want to bring any attention to us in the car taking pics of the werido so i didnt use the flash.

 tried to enhance original pic with photobucket. its brighter but now it more grainy. oh well.

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